COVID-19 Message | Dentist in Ontario, CA

Special Notice in Regards to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Update 3/25/2020

The California Dental Association Has just updated their advisory to stop all dental procedures except for emergency treatment. We will only be open for emergencies on Monday and Wednesday until further notice. All orthodontic, hygiene, and restorative appointments will be postponed. We will be in touch to reschedule once it is safe to resume patient care. Please communicate via email or website so that someone can follow up with you. Thank you!



Due to the current situation of the COVID-19 virus, we will be shutting down for 2 weeks until March 30th, 2020. The California Dental Association has put out a strong advisory to shut down for the safety of patients and staff. We will be doing our part to flatten out the curve of people who have contracted the virus. 

Please note we will be answering phone calls from the Hours of 8AM to 5PM. All emails will also be replied to in a timely manner. At the current time, our office will be scheduled to operate at full capacity March 30th. Until then, we will only be seeing emergency patients

If you have a dental emergency, please be sure to give us a call at 909-989-1556